What is the “Real” Secret to Staying Young and Healthy?

At a recent networking group I attend a few weeks ago in NJ, I had the pleasure of meeting a lovely 75-year-old woman who, for the purpose of this post, I will refer to as “Martha”. As I entered the establishment, I encountered many professionals who represented a variety of businesses in the area – lawyers, accountants, realtors, bankers, etc.. As I introduced myself to all of these people, I came across one person who made the biggest impression on me since my professor at my personal training school last year. What I immediately noticed about Martha was that she was a very energetic and outgoing individual. She told me that she knew who I was because she attended a Networking Lunch meeting about a month ago at which I was the guest speaker. I thanked her for coming to the lunch meeting, and I asked her what she thought about my presentation. She replied,” I have attended many networking meeting’s in my life and none of them inspired me as much as yours did, except you forgot one thing.” I sat there for a moment, and I honestly did not know what to say next. So, at the end of the business luncheon, I went up to Martha and asked her if she would offer any clues or at least tell me what I had neglected to say in my speech and she told me something I would never forget she said,  “I have seen many things in my life, I have watched many tragedies before me, but the only thing that’s ever given me strength to live this long, besides exercising, watching what I eat and a family that loves me, has always been a “GREAT SENSE OF HUMOR!” And that my friends, you can take to the bank....

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Why are Individuals Afraid to Commit to an Exercise Program?

Making a commitment to exercise is probably one of the hardest things to do for an individual….but why? With all of the documented research and studies done on the benefits of exercise, the majority of the population “still” does not maintain a regular exercise regimen. Here are a few popular “reasons” I have heard during my experience as a trainer: a) No time during the day. b) No extra money available. c) Lack of motivation. d) No immediate results. e) Too hard and complicated. As we progress forward as a society, the importance of exercise both scientifically and spiritually has made it very clear that individuals “must” and “should” incorporate an exercise program in their daily lives in order to live a healthier and happier life. Also, statistics don’t lie. We have seen here in America in the past few years a sharp rise in related cases to CAD(Coronary Artery Disease),Diabetes, Hypertension, Hyperlipidemia, Osteoporosis, etc….. PEOPLE IT”S TIME TO WAKE UP NOW AND START SMELLING THE ROSES!!!!! Here is how I educate my clients as to why a “COMMITMENT” to exercise must and should be maintained for life: a) No time during the day…MAKE THE TIME. Whether it is early in the day,middle of the day, or late in the evening everyone can find 1/2 hour or even an hour to exercise….no excuses. b) No extra money available…NO PROBLEM. As celebrity trainer Jennifer Cohen and many other trainers have mentioned numerous times before(including yours truly)the only thing you need is yourself. There are hundreds of exercises that can be done with just your own body weight ( Push ups, Sit ups, Crunches, Body Twists, Leg Lifts etc..). Running, Sprinting, Jogging, Aerobics, Jumping,Dancing(yes dancing)……no money….no problem. c)Lack of motivation…THIS ONE KILLS ME! Exercise+ Cardiovascular Activity+ Healthy Diet +Positive Attitude=Strength/Longevity/Happiness/Prosperity…enough said. d)No immediate results….PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE. Today’s society wants everything now. Your body(as tough as it is), is a very delicate and complicated machine. Fast changes to your body weight, exercise intensity and eating abnormalities can lead to serious consequences. Please consult with your physician and a certified personal trainer before begining any type of exercise. e)Too hard and compilcated….IF IT WAS THAT EASY THEN MANY TRAINERS WOULDN’T HAVE JOBS TODAY. Exercise and eating healthy is a lifetime commitment. It is hard and frustration does set in. A certified trainer can help you determine a proper exercise program, can reccomend a proper diet, educate you on what is fact or fiction and most of all simplify your goal objective ( oh yes…I almost forgot…..HE/SHE MOTIVATES YOU TOO!!). So there you go. Now you don’t have any more reasons for not starting a regular exercise program. Please don’t forget to consult with your physician first, then ask a qualified personal trainer for a free consultation if possible. That’s all for now, and remember: “The more you learn about your body ,the better it will take care of you in the future.”...

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What should you look for in a Personal Trainer?

In the last ten years or so, the Personal Training profession has seen a tremendous growth both domestically and internationally. As a matter of fact, there are more people these days involved with some form of training then ever before…..and the trend will continue to rise for the near forseable future. So, should it matter what kind of a trainer you should hire? Let’s take a look at some of the basic qualifications a Trainer should have: 1. Schooling…..It only makes sense that a person who teaches anything these days should have some form of education or a certification from an accredited institution. There are plenty of good ones out there and most of them are very well know…so go on the web and do a little research. 2. Experience…..If there is one field where experience should matter the most this one is definitely it. A trainer with personal and professional experience can definitely give their clients an “edge” over other trainers. When a person lives through an experience and truly understands what it feels like to be in that situation, only then, can you really feel what they are truly saying. If they cannot relate to you in some form or another….don’t waist your time. 3. Passion….. It doesn’t matter what you choose to be in this life, if you don’t have a passion for what you are doing it will definitely hurt you in the long run. I knew someone in my college days, who was really smart (an I.Q. of 148…. I believe that is a genius level ), anyway, he could have done anything he wanted in his life. Unfortunately, as good as he was at everything, he didn’t have a true passion for much of anything and therefore became bored real easily. I don’t know what ever happened to that person I knew back then, but I know one thing for sure….everyone I know who loves their job has a passion for it and they wouldn’t trade it for anything. 4. Personality…..Let’s face it, if your trainer has no personality, why in the world would you even spend a minute with this person? Personal Training ( amongst other things) should be spent with someone who is exciting, fun and has a positive outlook towards life. Our lives are hard enough as they are. We are constantly reminded everyday (by television, newspapers, magazines etc…) of all of the negativity that is happening around us and around the world…..we don’t need it in our personal trainer as well. 5. Honesty….Out of all the qualities we mentioned above, this one is the most “sacred” to me. There are plenty of honest people in this world…but, there is always a few that will try to ruin any reputation. Again, do your homework!! Make sure that the person you are entrusting with your health is legitimate and can provide you with proper paperwork that every trainer should provide. For example, a copy of their diploma or certification, a current CPR Identification Card and a list of people they have trained or networking groups they belong to. Remember…the more information...

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Is there such a thing as the “Fountain of Youth?”

I recently received a phone call the other day from a middle-aged person who was interested in getting some information about my personal training services. As I do with every person I speak with, I always try my best to let the person know of the great benefits from exercising vs. not exercising and also of the impact of not maintaining a well balanced diet. Here are just a few things that I was able to share with my “perspective” new client: 1. Muscle Strength with aging decreases….with exercise it increases. 2. Muscle Endurance with aging decreases….with exercise it increases. 3. Body Fat with aging increases……with exercise it decreases. 4. Physical Function with aging decreases….with exercise increases. Also, studies have shown, that a person ( whether a male or female) who maintains a regular exercise regimen through out their life (combined with a healthy diet of Fruits and Veggies) can expect to increase their life expectancy anywhere from 5 to 10 years longer. And what about your heart? And your bones? Exercise and a cardiovascular program have also shown to strengthen your heart and build stronger bones. How about that for an incentive to incorporate exercise and a healthy diet in your everyday life??? So, did anyone ask if there is such a thing as the “Fountain of Youth?” I say the proof is in the “Jello”. Until next time and remember” The more you learn and take care of your body…the better it will take care of you in the future.”...

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At what “AGE” can you start an exercise program?

At a recent speech I gave at the local “Rotary Club” in my hometown, a question was asked by one of the club members as to what age should you start an exercise program? According to the NSCA (The National Strength & Conditioning Association) when a trainer is designing and evaluating a resistance training program for any type of person, a few key factors must be kept in mind: 1. The present condition of the individual ( i.e. Heart Condition, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Sugar Level) 2. Age and sex-related differences in body composition. 3. Muscular performance. 4. Trainability and the implications for each individual. In theory, any person (whether an adult or a child) who is”seriously“ thinking about starting a regimented exercise program is advised to consult with their doctor (first) before beginningany type of cardio vascular or resistance training program. A certified personal trainer should also be utilized ( especially in the early stages) to make sure that an appropriate program is designed for the individual as well as proper posture and technique. Also, keep in mind, that a well balanced diet is the “key” to keeping your body looking good and performing up to it’s best…ask anyone who is in the field!!! So, at what age can you start an exercise program? It totally depends on the individual….. That’s all for now and remember” an informed mind will always build a better body!!!”...

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