Stepping on the Scale : How Often Should You Weigh Yourself?

As a certified personal trainer, I am always asked many different questions pertaining to fitness and health. One question I am frequently asked is, “Should I weigh myself on the scale every morning?” My answer is no, because you will only be disappointed the majority of the times you step on the scale. As we continue with our new year resolutions, it is important to keep in mind that even small changes happen over time. Because we usually have high expectations for the results, we tend to get discouraged when we see very little progress at first. By doing this, we’re only bringing down our self esteem. My recommendation would be to put the scale away at least for a month. If you follow a sensible diet and exercise regularly you should see a noticeable change in about a month. By simply eliminating 500 calories a day for 7 days your total fat loss for the week is 1 lb, which is 3,500 calories. Try not to fixate on figuring out how much weight you are loosing every day.  You will be more satisfied with your results if you weigh yourself once a month, rather than every...

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Why We Make Fitness New Year’s Resolutions

It’s hard to believe that another year has come and gone. It almost feels like we’re on a treadmill just trying to keep up with time! We make resolutions for the new year and by the time we know it, the year has passed and we may have only committed to just a few of them. One of the most popular resolutions is to start exercising to get in shape. Why is this such a common resolution? A new year means a new you. People are always looking for some type of spiritual re-birth when the new calendar year begins. In other words, it is more mental than physical. Feeling guilty. Human nature can be difficult to handle at times, and too much of anything is never a good thing. Moderation is the key. If we learn to control our urges, we might not feel so guilty. The influence of society. Americans seem to have an obsession with weight and physical appearance. Everywhere you look, whether it’s on TV, the internet or in magazines, health issues are always at the trending. You just cannot avoid it. Family pressure. Believe it or not, family plays a big part in this scenario. We look to them for comfort and direction. Sometimes they encourage us to do the right thing, sometimes they don’t. Always trust yourself. New year resolutions are pointless if you don’t follow through with them, so try to stay committed. A person who makes health and fitness a priority everyday shouldn’t have to wait until the end of the year to change their lifestyle. Make it a part of your life each and every day of the...

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Concentrate on Your Core

Your core is involved in every movement you make. All the energy that you exert originates in your torso, before being transferred to your arms and legs.  A strong core reduces back pain,  improves athletic performance and improves postural imbalances. So take the time to train your core right and with consistency.  A sculpted core will not only look good, but make your body work better as a whole. My personal favorite core exercise is the plank. At one time, I was able to hold my fixed position for 4 minutes and 15 seconds. Other core exercises that I do personally and with my clients are crunches, reverse crunches, medicine ball slams and Russian Twists. Try these exercises the next time you workout: Crunches. Sit on the floor with knees bent and your feet flat on floor. Place your fingers behind your ears (not your head) and pull elbows back so that they are in line with body. Raise your head and shoulders and crunch your midsection towards your pelvis. Pause for about a second and then return to start position. Reverse Crunches. Lie face up on floor with arms stretched by your side flat on floor and palms facing down. Bend your hips and knees 90 degrees (your feet should be together and off the floor). Raise your hips off the floor and crunch inward (your knees should move toward your chest). Pause for a second, then slowly lower your legs until your heals nearly touch the floor. Repeat the exercise. Medicine Ball Slams. Grab a medicine ball and hold it above your head. Keep your feet shoulder width apart and arms slightly bent. Reach as far back as you can, then slam the ball to the floor in front of you. Pick up ball and repeat. Russian Twist. Sit on floor with your knees bent and feet flat. Hold your arms straight out in front of you with palms together. Lean back so that your torso is at a 45-degree angle with floor. Brace your core and rotate to your right as much as you can. Pause, then repeat the movement to the left...

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Can Music Help You Achieve Your Fitness Goals?

As Bob Marley said, “One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.” That’s a great reason to put those earphones on while working out! Listening to music while exercising has been found in multiple studies to create an increased sense of motivation, distracting the mind while increasing heart rate. Personally, I try to incorporate music in all of my workouts. As for my clients, they all insist I bring my selection of music to their training sessions. Music can definitely serve as an important tool in achieving your fitness goals. Here are just a few key benefits of listening to music while exercising: Music has shown in research to effect your body and psyche. Music stimulates your inner core and it gives your mind that edge it needs to perform a task or objective. Music relaxes your body which can help ward off depression. Music helps promote movement, which can help burn more calories. Many places (including hospitals) are beginning to incorporate music to help patients deal with pain management. Enough evidence now exists to concretely state that music is a very effective tool in the achievement of your fitness goal and overall well-being. So, the next time you are contemplating whether to exercise or not, just turn up the music and let the beat motivate...

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Give the Gift of Fitness with the TRX Suspension System

Over the years, I have had the opportunity to use many different types of equipment for myself and my clients. Everything from dumbbells to ankle weights. This equipment has always been very effective in my training regimen; however, if I had to choose my favorite piece of equipment it would have to be the TRX Suspension System. I purchased the TRX Suspension System about a year ago and instantly became addicted to it. I use it just about every time I exercise and the results have truly exceeded my expectations. My clients have all had similar results, and many of them have purchased it for themselves or their significant other. Give the gift of fitness this holiday season with the TRX Suspension System!  Here are some of the benefits you get with this product: Easy to read instructions Appropriate for all levels Upper/lower body workouts Increase flexibility and core strength Use anywhere (home, office, park or gym) Easy to carry and store For more information on the TRX Suspension System, visit If you have any questions about it,  please contact me at 732-618-0849. I wish you the all the best during your holiday...

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