Nutrition Tip #3 – Are Energy Bars a Healthy Choice?

Have you noticed recently the amount of energy bars, such as PowerBars and Clif Bars, out there on the market? There are literally hundreds of different kinds, varieties and brands. I personally do not have a preference on which energy bar maker is better for you or not; however, I can make a few suggestions on what to look for in the ingredients:

  • Find out how many calories in each serving. Usually, depending on what type of bar it is, the total caloric count should be somewhere around 230-240. Anything above that should be carefully looked at.
  • Choose a bar high in protein ( at least 3  grams) and fiber ( more than 3 grams).
  • The fat content should be mostly heart-healthy fats and carbs mostly whole grains with around 10-20 grams of sugar.

So if you find something that will come close to what I have described above, you should be fine. If you get bored with energy bars, try these alternatives:

  • Shakes (buy in bulk and save)
  • Nuts (almonds are nutritious)
  • Pre-cooked chicken without the skin. Eat it with whole-wheat bread.